Setting up Eclipse with Tomcat
Add Tomcat Server
The Tomcat server must be added to Eclipse in order to use it as a host for executing source code.
To add the Tomcat server:
- Start Eclipse
- Right-click thePackage Explorertab and selectNew>Other.
3.Expand the Server;node, select;Server;and click;Next.;
4.Expand Apache, choose your domestic cat server version and click;Next;
5.Browse to domestic cat installation directory;
6.From the JRE list, choose your JDK version and click Finish.
Configure domestic cat server
Parameters for the server got to be changed so as to properly execute Magnolia CMS ASCII text file.
To initialize the supplemental domestic cat server:
1.In the Servers tab, double-click Tomcat Server at localhost.
2.In domestic cat settings, set the following:
Timeouts ; Start to 450 seconds;
Check theServer choices Serve modules while not publication;
3.Close the tab and click Yes to save the changes;
If the subsequent error happens,eclipse.ini file must be changed